Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Wow, what an Incredible week I just had!
Lot's of cool stuff happened to me, starting with ARION ANTICIPATION's lounge night.
I drew a Live painting (with photoshop, projected on screen) and it was awesome!
I had 20 mins to do a pic inspired by the anticipation universe...wich can be pretty abstract, while the autors where reading parts of their books. A D.J. was also spinning records. The show went so great that It made me want to to it again, maybe assosiated with a dj or something, but next time I would like to do it on a longer time period.
So if any of you read this and know a dj that would be interested just e-mail me, it could be great fun! here's the speedy that I did:
Oh, and while we were testing the projector I just messed around and did a girly face, wich stayed on screen for a while before I did the real one!

Later during the weekend, One of my friends that works over at CONTROL (skateboards company) gave me the 4 boards that I designed last year, it's awesome to look at and made me want to do more of them! I'llpost some picture later, the battery on my camera are dead.

Right now I'm working on a logo for a great band not related to indica.
I hope it works out well, I'd be really proud.

I saw THE FOUNTAIN for the 2nd time yesterday. It is without a doubt my favorite film this year. also got the soundtrack, all of you should experience both!


Friday, November 24, 2006


I will be there and do a live CG painting projected on screen.
It will be cool!


Thursday, November 23, 2006


This is a MEssage that was sent to me By Maxime R. Desruisseaux the Guy behind ARION ANTICIPATION!:

Bonjour à tous,

Je vous écris aujourd’hui pour vous annoncer que, ce vendredi, 24 novembre
2006, Steven et moi organisons le lancement de notre collection Arion
Anticipation, au Boudoir Lounge de Québec. Plusieurs d’entre vous sont déjà
au courant de l’évènement (et vous viendrez) et, pour les autres, je sais
que je suis un peu à la dernière minute, mais je suis persuadé que vous
trouverez un moyen pour venir nous voir et participer à la belle soirée que
nous vous avons préparé.

Donc, ce vendredi, nous lancerons les quatre premiers tomes de la collection
Arion Anticipation, qui publie romans et nouvelles traitant de l’avenir de
notre société. Pour l’occasion, les quatre auteurs seront présents et vous
feront découvrir leurs livres via un concept très original que vous pourrez
admirer de vos propres yeux.

Également, il y aura un défilé de la collection automne-hiver de Hugo Boss,
de très bons prix sur les consommations (pour ceux d’entre vous qui ont des
enfants, c’est un établissement réservé aux 18 ans et plus, alors vous
devrez vous trouver une gardienne ) et de très beaux prix de
présence. Évidemment, nombre de vos amis seront présents, alors vous pourrez
vous divertir tout en participant à une noble cause… quelle occasion nous
vous offrons!

Je vous attends donc ce vendredi, 24 novembre, au Boudoir Lounge de Québec!
N’hésitez pas à inviter d’autres de vos amis!


Wednesday, November 22, 2006

warming up.

-read FROM HELL.
-finished some t-shirt designs for Vulgaires Machins.
-Seen a couple of movies including, Prestige, Match Point and Babel, all awesome flicks.
-Witnessed Yan roll up the KING OF ALL COSMOS in the "We Love Katamari" game.
-Made some promo illustration for new projects.
-made another illustration just for fun.
-Discovered that I need to learn Adobe's Illustrator.
-RE-read 300.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

I'm at a friends apartment and I just woke up.
Yesterday I went to the "lancement" (?) of Grimskunk's new album.
It was pretty sweet, they made HUGE banners with my art so yeah I was stoked.
I was even asked to sign a poster...NICE!

you can check out some of the art here:

also, wrote a little thing about me and my CAZE here!

and I cant post new art here, sorry.


Wednesday, November 01, 2006


Hey I jsut added my weekly strip in the links named C A Z E
check it out and leave me a comment!

Here are some sketches n' ideas...

Based on a true story...